OceanDrop NFTs

With Gratitude and Joy,
Nicole Buffett
Dropping on SuperRare ?

Dropping on SuperRare ?

I hope clean memories don’t go extinct.
Dropping on DoinGud ?

WAVE FUNCTION is part of the OUTER OCEANS collection of three meditative fractals of infinite detail, found in the boundless ocean of the Mandelbrot Set algorithm.
The WAVE FUNCTION NFT features music by Apocryphos, and includes a signed and numbered 60`` x 33,5” ultra high resolution metal art print under acrylic glass.
OUTER OCEANS is inspired by the exotic physical properties of water, the theories enabling Quantum computing, and the extraterrestrial oceans of the worlds in the outer Solar system, capturing the serenity of the meditative state induced by the eternal sea.
Living on the shores of the great Pacific, I create my art by diving deep inside parallel dimensions formed by exotic algorithms, exploring mystical, infinite mathematic worlds, and bringing back documentation from my journeys across a range of formats — as 2D and 3D digital images, videos, physical prints, and as AR and Virtual Reality experiences.
Artwork by Fractal Frontiers / Anders Hjemdahl. AI animation by Neural Seed / Camilla Andersson. Music: Consanguineous Spirit by Apocryphos, courtesy of Cryo Chamber.
Dropping on SuperRare ?

CO2_COMPOUND is a carbon compounding artwork. The work is functioning as a black hole for 1 staked $KLIMA token. This token is irreversibly fused into the artworks smart contract . The token is impossible to unstake / redeem and will, as long KlimaDAO exists, express an economic interest and stake in the DAO and therefore the broader carbon market.
The work explores the question as to whether art can emerge from being a subject of economic interest & speculation to being an expression of it, i.e. the artwork becomes an economic actor with a transparent & immutable financial intent that can’t be influenced or changed by either artist or collectors in the future.
KlimaDAO itself is an agent of both financial and climate activism through novel blockchain-powered market coordination. The work therefore explores the idea of becoming an active participant in the financial coordination problem which at one level underscores the climate crisis. The piece, by incorporating KLIMA tokens, serves to create upward price pressure on the global carbon market. It is thus an element of leverage in the system, rather than a purely subjective object open to financial speculation.
The climate crisis, at its core, is a collective action & coordination problem. There is no one way to solve it. This is an experiment.
Dropping on December 3 - 5 on OpenSea ⛵ by KlimaDAO with proceeds being donated to the Open Earth Foundation ?

The gif name: sea land air.
About this piece: Diverse perspectives from above and below, give a glimpse of what this natural gem is about. Life, abundance and interconnectedness.
Waterfall Island: more than 200 waterfalls bring movement and life to a mysterious and jet wonderful place in the middle of the ocean. This image talks about the layers of life.
Corals from Above: the peak of this underwater mountain range is Coco's Island, it lets itself show to remind us of the stunning beauty that lies underneath the water surface, and that we must steward and preserve.
Abundance: clouds of fish in a constant and mesmerizing dance are a proof of one of the world's last remaining healthy ecosystems. A reminder of life at its best, yet in danger and threatened.
NFT comes with the gif and 3 still images of Isla del Cocos, Costa Rica.
Dropping on DoinGud ?

Nammu is an Ancient Elder From The Distant Future and a Self Engineered Benevolent Being (SEBB). Nammu is named after the Sumerian creation goddess, who arose from the sea and gave birth to heaven, earth, and the first Gods. As one of the original (pre-Transcendence) Ancient Elders, she was responsible for restoring balance to earth's oceans. She traveled the oceans distributing millions of her restoration nodes that removed toxins, pollutants and trash, and adjusted ocean temperatures to combat global warming. Nammu and her nodes also restored the health of marine life by performing cellular and DNA repairs and improvements. The complete restoration of the earth's oceans, lakes and rivers had a very positive impact on humanity and was instrumental in bringing about the Great Transcendence. In the distant future, Nammu and her nodes continue to maintain the health and balance of the earth's water systems. This image serves as an oracle to Nammu providing access to her wisdom, serenity and transcendent consciousness.
Dropping on DoinGud ?

Digital Twin of a 70x54 in. acrylic on canvas painting from 2018 that was part of my original Tarot series. There are four Minor Arcana suites: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. Each is associated with a different element: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth, respectively. Cups—the suite of Water—is associated with intuition, creativity, emotion, and feminine energy. The Page of Cups is specifically about creative opportunities, curiosity, and possibility. These tarot paintings were the first works I exhibited as an artist after spending a decade as an art dealer. At the end of that decade, I felt removed from any kind of elemental or intuitive love of art. Making these tarot works were part of recultivating that connection.
Dropping on SuperRare ?

An XR Experience
H2O - The Unified Field explores a subatomic space of Water molecules including the energetical implications of the Hydrogen - Oxygen bonding process,
The experience represents a timeslice of that probably sublimely crude process and it is up to the observers how deep they wish to dive into the fractality of the work.
It is an artistic intent to emotionally approach how water ``works``, how it carries the ultimate memory of Life itself, and promote awareness of the healing relationship
we can establish if we choose to.
Dropping on DoinGud ?

Dropping on SuperRare ?

Dropping on SuperRare ?

The depths of the ocean hold endless clues we still explore and try to make sense of. The ocean is where our past and future meet. ``Sin Agua No Hay Tiempo`` is inspired by our lifelong curiosity to understand our past to inform our future.
Dropping on SuperRare ?

As a scuba diver and general lover of the ocean, I am completely fascinated by the uninterrupted world underwater. I love how fish swim in schools and hide from predators; how coral attracts algae to eat and how sea creatures build homes on the undersides of rocks. I love going diving at night and watching fish rest while other fish hunt. I love establishing perfect buoyancy and just watching it all happen. I created this piece as a recollection of those experiences, combined with representation of our own world to demonstrate how similar they are, yet how vastly different they seem. The title 'Parallel Ecosystems' reifies how we're all quite similar.
Dropping on SuperRare ?

The 3D illustration is a figurative visual representation of self-caused errors made by humanity which is affecting marine and sea life. The materialistic approach of humans increases the footprint on nature and causes its destruction to fulfill the unwanted desires and comfort. The unnatural bags are full of neglect and carelessness as in the form of garbage floating and covering the sea surface whereas the baskets of the soul are empty and making it hard for the ocean to breathe.
The endless discussions and debates just to grab attention on the internet about Ocean conservation have broken the screen of the future but with the new hope of community coming together digitally, there is still the light of hope floating to raise awareness.
Dropping on SuperRare ?

Pond Wave is from the animated series, Clouds (2011 - present), in which Ludy simulates organic phenomena as extensions of nature.
Dropping on DoinGud ?

In fluid dynamics, gravity waves are waves generated in a fluid medium or at the interface between two media when the force of gravity or buoyancy tries to restore equilibrium. An example of such an interface is that between the atmosphere. Like the wave of crypto and NFTs we are riding!
Dropping on SuperRare ?

The ocean is a world full of fantasy and the unknown. The part that humans can understand is still very limited. Like the tip of an iceberg. We not only need to understand it, but we also need to protect it in our own way. The ocean is a treasure trove of precious knowledge for the next generation. I created it in 3D with music. Created an entrance, inviting everyone to enter the fantasy ocean world.
Dropping on DoinGud ?

There are unicorns out there in the wild, but rather than the fictitious cousins of horses we read about in fairy tales, they are very real whales with spiraled ivory tusks. After months of camping on Nunavut's sea ice, my good friend and ace pilot, Brian Knutsen, and I took to the skies so we could search for narwhals in my ultralight airplane. I was optimistic we might spot one or two from the air, but I never expected to discover an entire blessing (the term for a group of narwhals) among the stunning patterns and shapes in the ice. I fired off some aerial shots as we descended, and we found ourselves just four feet away from hundreds of narwhals just minutes later, watching in awe as they lifted their nearly eight-foot-long ivory tusks out of the water to draw deep breaths before disappearing beneath the ice where they gorged on polar cod.
We have dedicated our lives to creating stunning visual imagery and sharing compelling personal stories to move people. And moving people is exactly what's needed to save our planet. Beautiful images invite people into a conversation, no matter their age, language or location in the world. While we separate our oceans into distinct regions and draw outlines on a map, the creatures we encounter through our work don’t recognize the boundaries we create. Just as we are all connected, so too are the animals that call the ocean home.
Dropping on DoinGud ?

Family is everything to orcas. Each pod has its own special language, and its members follow in the wake of their wise matriarch, hanging onto her every instruction as they travel and hunt. Marine biologists have only just started to understand how crucial the matriarch’s role is to the survival of the pod. She’s usually the oldest female who learned everything she needs to lead her family from her mother and grandmother. It’s this intergenerational wisdom that allows orcas to navigate all kinds of marine environments around the world, passing on traditional knowledge much in the same way we pass our own culture and skills to our children. It’s deeply humbling to know we share our planet with such extraordinary animals who, as it turns out, are not so different from us.
We have dedicated our lives to creating stunning visual imagery and sharing compelling personal stories to move people. And moving people is exactly what's needed to save our planet. Beautiful images invite people into a conversation, no matter their age, language or location in the world. While we separate our oceans into distinct regions and draw outlines on a map, the creatures we encounter through our work don’t recognize the boundaries we create. Just as we are all connected, so too are the animals that call the ocean home.
Dropping on DoinGud ?

Saudade is a Portuguese word often translated poetically as the expression used to describe a sense of longing. A longing to return to a place, a time, a love, or perhaps even a feeling that no longer exists, of missing something that one can never have back or experience again.
It is this precise feeling of bewildered loss, that one can project we as humanity will be collectively experiencing about the oceans in the coming decades.
Those of us with memories of swimming in the blue ocean waves as they glisten purely in the sunlight. The memories of the aquatic wildlife populating the waters — like pods of dolphins emerging from blue world to share a laugh and protect humans, like Elian Gonzalez, in an air-filled surface; the great migration of whales; of textures like corals, crustaceans, fish, and sea mammals of rainbow colors.
We will be the ones.
The ones to tell the story,
of the time when the oceans began to rise with tsunamis,
And we did, too
inhabitable like oil wells,
Reversing our pillaging —
perhaps too little,
Perhaps too late.
Or, we will be the ones, to unite —
Embodying the sacred waters, evoking the memory that lives in us all.
Like Rumi reminded us, “You are not a drop in the Ocean, you are the Ocean in a drop.”
In this piece, we converge and catalyze the ethos, logos, pathos and kairos. The ethics of our character, to be in alignment with the transmutation of abstract ideas of the imagination into logical processes of verification with the intention of an ancient future with the regeneration generation.
This is the genesis of “living art” series, with each piece sold tied to direct real-world Natural Capital Assets creation, preservation and regeneration. Like the work of impact, it starts with “one” and turns to many, flourishing into the intricate web of life as a Gaian.
May the the wonder of immersing yourself in the purifying waters of the ocean, the beauty of the marine ecosystems, and the pulsing life force of the element of Water never be a memory in the mind of humanity, only told in stories that we pass down to our great great grandchildren. May the seventy times seven generations to come rather, have the experience of regenesis and witness the ocean thriving and abundant with water as the body of one.
Dropping on DoinGud ?

In this digital animation, the bottle is a metaphor for human consciousness, as we embrace the technological advancement of the blockchain.
Historically the bottle was a vessel carrying a distress signal. The mirror ambigram SOS now is the bottle itself reflected in the ocean, a desperate call to attention of plastic waste pollution. The dual message also comes from the longing we humans have to connect with others through the technologies, at the cost of destroying the beautiful, romantic sunset ocean view. The bottle is a message from the past to the future - a symbolism of conscious efforts to shape a way we coexist harmoniously with nature and technology.
Dropping on DoinGud ?

Dropping on DoinGud ?

Triton drops on DoinGud on December 3, 2021. ?

Edition: 1/1
Thanks to a collaboration with OVR and Jens Kull, this gallery exhibits the whole OceanDrop art collection in the metaverse auctioned as a single NFT and immersive experience: a MetaNFT. The gallery is virtually geo located in Alcyon, a world famous dive site discovered by Jacques Cousteau, located on Cocos Island, Costa Rica. This underwater gallery immerses you in the depths of the ocean, light beaming down, surrounding you in a marine world. Above you can see the famous hammerhead sharks of Alcyon peacefully gliding through the water.
The gallery features the work from all OceanDrop artists!
The highest bidder will own the whole metaverse NFT art experience including: an asset and land in the ovr.ai metaverse, an executable unity file to exhibit it in other metaverses, a VR compatible file, stills and video walkthroughs, and if the bid is over $100k an Oculus Quest 2 VR headset with the loaded experience.
Dropping on DoinGud ?
Partnering with PORTL Hologram, OceanDrop NFTs with bids over $300,000 come with an PORTL Epic.* This is the latest and greatest way to display your NFTs as holograms!
*PORTL Epic is optional for bids over $300,000. Separate PORTL Inc. agreement must be singed. Shipping costs covered by the buyer.